List of variables available for each template. One template represents one share of the controller.
available in all
/scripts/basket/index.tpl - the main view cart
/scripts/basket/step2.tpl - a form of purchase (login, registration, one-off)
/scripts/basket/address.tpl - data form for shipment / invoice
/scripts/basket/step3.tpl - a summary of purchases
/scripts/basket/done.tpl - confirmation of the order
/scripts/basket/finished.tpl - confirmation of payment after ordering
/scripts/categories/list.tpl - list of categories
/scripts/contact/index.tpl - Contact Form
/scripts/index/index.tpl - Home
/scripts/info/index.tpl - information page
/scripts/links/index.tpl - list of partners (link exchange)
/scripts/login/login.tpl - login form
/scripts/login/passremind.tpl - a reminder of your password (step 1)
/scripts/login/passremind2.tpl - a reminder of your password (step 2)
/scripts/login/register.tpl - Registration Form
/scripts/news/index.tpl - page of article
/scripts/news/list.tpl - list of articles
/scripts/newsletter/unsign.tpl - form to unsubscribe from our newsletter
/scripts/off/index.tpl - Page replacement for off store
/scripts/panel/address-edit.tpl - editing and adding the address
/scripts/panel/address.tpl - a list of addresses of the user
/scripts/panel/comments.tpl - a list of comments for products
/scripts/panel/edit.tpl - edit basic account data
/scripts/panel/favourites.tpl - the list of products in the store
/scripts/panel/index.tpl - Home Customer Panel